Who doesn't love a steamy hot bowl of pho'?? Most everyone, I guess, because I've seen a pho'kuvalotta new spots popping up around town...and I can't help noticing a lot of un-pho'-gettable names to go along with 'em...like Pho' the Love of God...What the Pho' ? Well, since I'm a phool pho' a pun, naturally I couldn't help coming up with pho' or phive names of my own. As it is, my phavorite pho' joint ~ Than Brothers ~ doesn't have a cute and clever name...but they do boast the most glamorous homemade creampuffs ~ Banh Choux a la cream ~ served along with your soup...and are they heavenly! If your complimentary one isn't enough, you can take three of these precious puffs home with you for a mere $1.50!

They do a brisk business, pho' sure, but wouldn't it be more phun pho' all if they chose a name like: Pho'Cup...Pho'Q...Pho'Gettaboutit...Pho'Kit Up...Pho'Love It...Pho'King Nuts...Pho'Deeduddy...Pho'Heaven's Sake...Pho'Knee Face...Pho'Pa...I could go on, but pho' your sake, I won't.

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