Now here's what every glamorous gal needs...especially me...a pink and pretty 1955 Dodge La Femme! Alas, I was born too late, because now they are extremely rare...but I'm telling you, one of these days when I'm filthy fucking rich, I'm going to hunt one down...I just know we'd be best friends...we're about the same age, we're both entirely glamorous and we both love pink rosebuds!
Imagine...a two-tone Heather Rose color scheme....upholstery with pink rosebuds on a pale pink background, pale pink vinyl trim, and some fabulous standard equipment: stowed in a special compartment built into the back of the passenger seat was a purse that matched the interior, containing a compact, lipstick, cigarette case, lighter and change purse! I guess some executive at Dodge (or some executive's wife) figured you could discreetly climb into the back seat and freshen your makeup after your exhausting drive! Wait a minute...are you telling me that ladies in the 50's didn't do their makeup while driving, like they do now?? Sheesh! During rush hour I can do my makeup, nails and hair, smoke a cig and knit a sweater while talking on the phone...and still have plenty of time for some good old-fashioned road rage.

Oh, and because La Femme was designed with Her Majesty in mind, it also came standard with an umbrella, raincoat and rain bonnet in the same charming rosebud pattern as the interior. I don't know about you, but I never leave the house without my rain bonnet, so that must have been a real bonus!

Now for the first time anywhere, a car glamorously, Personally Yours! Don't I wish!
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