Friday, January 18, 2013

Four On The Floor

Darlings, I don't need to remind you how nostalgic I am about 80's fitness videos! The fashions...the hair...the moves that practically guaranteed repetitive motion injury! Sigh...weren't those the days??

So I was thrilled to find this exclusive 80's workout for you fellas that I'm just sure you'll want to watch  (probably safer not to actually try)...over and over again!!  The deep-throated, sexist narration alone is worth your precious time and attention! Trust me!!

Warning!  Please consult your physician if you're not sure your heart can take this!

Whew!  Well, I'm certainly sweaty now, how about you?? After that, I think we all need a nice, smoggy c-o-o-l-d-o-w-n...whaddaya say??