Thursday, December 13, 2012

Anatomy of An Act

Hard to believe it's been 5 years since I graduated from Miss Indigo Blue's Academy of Burlesque...and so much has happened in those 5 years...I realized my dream of being crowned Belltown Betty, I produced my own one-woman show, and I celebrated my 20,000th day alive! So, to commemorate my anniversary as the one-and-only Gams Galore, I thought it would be fun to put together an actual burlesque strip routine, which I performed in last Friday night's Academy of Burlesque Alumni Show - The Beginning of the End!

I told the story of my BLONDE I went from blah to blonde...from glum to glam...from frumpy to faboo...simply by putting on my beloved bad wig!

I gotta tell ya, kidz...singing is sooo much easier with sooo much less room for error! And much less preparation, too, I might add. Case in point are these notes I made while creating my act. Note how they start off nice, neat and well-organized...

...still looking pretty tidy and sensible...

...then things get a little more complicated...

Oops! Then the shit make no sense at all!!

I'm pleased to announce that it all came off without a hitch...literally and figuratively! And since every burlesque strip routine calls for an appropriate pair o' pasties for a final 'reveal', I created these beauties for my boobies! Sparkly!