Finally! My fotos of a few fresh and friendly thrift finds...namely a couple pairs of cute salt and pepper shakers...found in such great condition, it's obvious that they've lived their entire lives, thankfully,
off the kitchen table and
out of the reach of thoughtlessly cruel, unwittingly clumsy, unacceptably grubby hands!
And was I ever tickled pink to find representations of two of my favorite creatures, crows
(magpies?) and squirrels! As you know,
Chez Gams happens to be a cozy cottage nestled in a park-like of course I have a wide variety of birds...mostly crows, and at least one family of psychotic, possibly rabid but nonetheless adorable, squirrels! I feed 'em all leftovers...just like family.

Wild creatures
do make the best pets...they look after themselves for the most part...don't ask for much...but they are
so-o-o-o unreliable! They always
say they'll be happy to pose for pictures, then make themselves totally unavailable! Frustrating...and their ceramic likenesses here were no easier to work with...for the life of me, I could not get this pair of magpies to sit still long enough to photograph! They tried to hide in my big ivy plant, but I finally caught 'em!

These silly squirrels happen to be
twins and not a complementary set...but that's what you get when you deal with squirrels...they are nuttin' but

Still proud and happy to still be sporting their
Norcrest Fine China stickers after all these years, along with their leafy
chapeaux which are miraculously un-chipped and just as cute as can be...these two were actually much more cooperative to work with than the least once I threw some roasted, salted almonds their way!

So that got me started looking around my kitchen for a couple more examples...these tiny row houses...with four different facades!...were a gift from a friend...

...and this vintage wooden set from Japan, which belonged to my mother-in-law, includes four tiny wooden picks with hand-painted faces!

Honestly, I didn't
mean to start collecting salt-and-peppers, but alas, it may be too late...looks like I'm a
seasoned shopper!