Let's go back in time...stopping in the 80s, when late-night 'Aerobicise' videos were all the rage...but not exactly for their commitment to ergonomics (wink, wink!)
a classic example...but I don't recommend actually trying it...not only
could you do irrepairable damage to your spine...you could take
somebody's eye out with these moves!
No...let's keep going back further...back to the 60's, when American housewives were too busy making babies and keeping house to get out and hit the gym...besides, back then, gyms were dreary, noisy sweaty places filled with grunting, sweaty men. What to do? A personal trainer? Pretty much unheard of back then...but through the magic of Television...Jack LaLanne to the rescue!
Francois Henri "Jack" LaLanne has been called "the
godfather of fitness" and the "first fitness superhero." And he
certainly paved the way for fitness at home. Lonely wives simply adored
this down-to-earth Frenchman..his ballet slippers confirmed that he was
in touch with his feminine side (so European!) and could easily relate
to women. The only thing missing was a seductive French accent ala Pepe Le Pew...but Jack
had more class than that! And there he was...this fine figure of a man,
inviting you into his living room (a popular TV gimmick back then) to
join him in trying his 'Trimnastics'! (As a kid, I always figured that
lovely mountain scene behind him was his real backyard...now I'm not so
Just look how buff he was back in the days before the term 'buff' was coined...

Jack was probably the first one EVER to introduce facial exercises. He knew they looked silly, too, but encouraged us to not let feeling silly interfere with becoming more beautiful! I could give the same advice...and you'll see why when I introduce you to COUGARCIZE! A little silliness makes everything more fun! So, let's get inspired right now by watching the very first episode of the Jack LaLanne Show!