Behold the enigmatic smile of Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece, La Gioconda, more familiarly known as the Mona Lisa! Since its creation in the 16th century, this mysterious visage has captured the imagination of millions worldwide...and no face could be more familiar, except perhaps Lady Gaga's.
On a recent jaunt to the City of Light, I visited the Louvre, and ended up being swept away in the crowd making their way to the shrine of Mona Lisa. What excitement! What a moment to look forward to and remember forever after ~ seeing that famous portrait up close and...wait a can't even get within three feet of it! That's disappointing. really does look the OK, let's go. Mysterious. Enigmatic. But unapproachable...and unsatisfying!
So today, my art-appreciating darlings, I've gathered a collection of equally mysterious and enigmatic poseurs that should amuse and delight you! These sedate subjects spring from the creative mind of artist Naoto Hattori, who (I'm guessing) must have also had an unsatisfying experience viewing La Gioconda, so he went home to his quality art-print reproduction, angrily scribbled out her face with a Sharpie, realizing new inspiration as he did so! Anyway, I think Hattori's are much more fun, and much more approachable, a weird sort of way.

Visit the artist here!