Once upon a time there was a Picky Little Bitch who couldn't go to the ball because she hadn't a thing to wear...not that she hadn't tried! She'd gone from town to town, and modeled many a gown, but nothing seemed quite right. So, rather than being seen in her modest rags, she waited forlornly at home, feeling sorry for herself...when...POOF! who should appear but her charming Fairy GodMILF!
"Hey Bitch, dry your tears! It just so happens I'm packing a certain little castaway confection here..." She waved her magic wand, and what should appear but a luscious frock, fit for the daintiest of princesses! Layers of perfectly pale pink tulle, sensuous satin and clouds of chiffon...and hand-sewn!...all the way down to the rhinestone-studded straps. Heavenly! It was love at first sight for PLB, and she scrambled to try it on.

"It's meant to be a little tight," FGM said encouragingly.
But try as she might, it was physically impossible for PLB to fit into the glamorous gown. "I'm too big a Bitch to fit into this glamorous gown!" she cried.
"Awwww well...we tried! Sorry...guess you'll be staying home tonite after all. But perhaps you know another maiden who would fit into such a pretty dancing dress? Look, I'll leave it here with you...if nothing else, maybe you can let it out a little!" And with that, FGM disappeared in a poof of glitter.
PLB knew that the dress was much too fragile to be taken out at the seams. It would never work...never! But she loved the dress so much that she decided to keep it in her care for awhile, lovingly naming it Princess Pink Dress. PLB and PPD got along well together for many years, but the time finally came when PLB knew PPD needed more in a relationship. And so began the search for someone...anyone...who would fit into the magical pink frock. Many maidens tried, from young to old, yet none could get that damned zipper closed!
Then one day, while traveling thru the Emerald City, PLB heard tell of one of the fairest, tiniest maidens in the land ~ star of burlesque, dance, circus and cabaret, known as The Little Blonde Bomb ~ Inga Ingenue. PLB knew then, like Cinderella's glass slipper, the precious pastel gown was made for fair maiden Inga. Surely a dress that ladylike would befit such a pristine, dainty and demure little lady!
Alas, perhaps the maiden Inga is a little more down and dirty than dainty and demure, but nevertheless...she'd look lovely in that dress!
One day their paths may cross...until then, Princess Pink Dress waits patiently in her closet, surrounded by other faded beauties from prom days long ago. The End.
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