Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Welcome To Seattle

Fresh share! If you've never been to Seattle, this video is just as good much better than any travelogue...

However...if you're not familiar with Seattle neighborhoods and celebrities then it will probably make no sense at all...nevertheless it's got good beats.

Yes, darlings...I know it all looks incredibly appealing, but take it from your pal Gams...if you're new to the area, don't ever let anyone tell you BALLARD is trending. It very well may be, but anyone who's lived around here as long as I have knows it's just Ballard. You'll most likely be kicking out an old Norwegian who's lived his whole life there, just so your trendy-fucking-yuppy-ass can have your tacky little place in the sun. Oh, dear...sorry to rant, darlings...but believe me when I say Just Ballard....not Beverly-F'in Hills!!! Like it says in the song...Somebody had to go 'n say somethin'... Nevertheless....welcome to Seattle, Washington...The Evergreen State For More Than Just Trees. Have a pleasant stay. Checkout is 11 sharp. No exceptions.

 xoxo Blue Scholars mwahh!