Darlings, I must admit that I'm getting wa-a-a-y too addicted to Tumblr...it's shameful, really...and I've been neglecting you, haven't I? I do apologize...but I want you to know that I haven't just been sittin' around on my big fat blog all day...I have arisen on occasion for drinks, chips, and shopping trips!
In fact, I'm working on some cute photo vignettes, starring a couple of sensational thrift finds that I recently unearthed after quite the shopping dry spell! Funny how weeks, even months, can go by without finding anything with even a shred of charm...until suddenly one day you discover a veritable goldmine of goodies! My theory is that elderly packrats with knickknacks usually kick their respective buckets and/or sell their houses and move to Florida right around the same time...possibly in threes, like celebrities. At any rate, it's easy to tell when somebody has recently dealt with 30 or more years of accumulation.
Anyway, I promise to post those pics soon...meanwhile, please peruse these pictures of playful pet poodles in a palette of pastels, particularly pink and purple! Love, Gams

Hey...wait a minute...that's no poodle! That's a pugnacious pug!