Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Welcome to my world!

Hello, friends...

it's Me, that Glamorous Gal with the Golden Gullet, Miss Gams Galore, inviting you to take a peek at this new blog I'm creating...I've been living and loving the glamorous life lately, and I'm just dying to share some tasty tidbits with you, my many fans!! In case you didn't already know, I'm a Comedic Diva from Seattle, and a proud graduate of the soon-to-be-infamous Miss Indigo Blue's Academy of Burlesque (don't worry, I'll pass on the link eventually!) My alter-ego is featured in Deirdre Timmon's burlesque documentary, *A Wink and A Smile*, which is making its way around the country as we blog....

What does a glamorous gal like me do, anyway? Well, it's glorified karaoke, really...except I rewrite those tired, overplayed old lyrics and spice 'em up a bit...kinda Weird Al style, only with a Broadway via Vegas twist...and if you like home videos, I have a fun you-tube site, where I sing those little ditties along with my hand-puppet pals, Oso the Bear, Buzz Buzzard, and Vermina the white rat. Vermina is my drinkin' buddy, Buzz is sort of a ladies' man, and Oso, well, he's just a cute and cuddly teddy bear. I think you'll like my songs, but remember, some are for adults only...and it also helps if you know the original songs I'm "par-o-dee-ing"! eh...funnier that way...or not.

Oh, and did I mention I'm a lady of leisure? That's the glamorous term for *bum*...anyway, not only do I occupy my time writing lyrics, but I'm also a vintage fanatic...vintage what?...whaddaya got?? I'm known as the "Picky Little Bitch" for more reasons than one...I'll be sharing some of my finds here...because I must. So, I won't keep you, my darlings, but please check back from time to time...this ought to be fun!

I'll leave you with a pic of my door at the Jupiter Hotel in Portland...see you next time!

Love, Gams

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