"Comedians often specialize. Some toy with national politics, others with the race problem. Rusty Warren's field is sexual intercourse. A squarely constructed redheaded woman in her middle 30s, with the hoarse voice and hearty manner of a call-house madam, she talks about sex in clear, unsubtle terms. Her joke vocabulary is full of colons and ova. She discusses sexual failures, makes fun of women with abnormally small chest development, and moves from person to person in her audiences making clever references to the probable size of their genitalia. Some of her words are pretty old Collegiate Gothic, like horny and poontang. And she is billed as The Knockers Up Girl."
And I've gotta tell ya, I've been having so much fun listening to her albums Sin-Sational ...

...and In Orbit...
Maybe not quite as shocking today as in the 60s, but dirty talk and bawdy songs just never seem to go out of style, do they?