Okay! So I promised you an exciting post, didn't I? Saturday night I attended a reception, silent auction and screening of Wes Hurley's biopic, Waxie Moon! This special event was a fundraiser for QTET, a theatrical group for LGBT teens. I hadn't had a chance to see the film before and I love a good cause...plus, I knew that following the movie there would be a chance to be an extra in Wes and Waxie's upcoming full-length feature! I was expecting an occasion, so natch, I wore my glamorous gown...and of course Waxie was there in glittering finery...s-he simply oozes glamour, doesn't s-he?
As promised, after the screening, everyone gathered outside and we filmed a segment of Waxie Moon in Fallen Jewel! I managed to snap a picture of Wes, here with one of the "bodyguards" that played in the scene.

Good thing I can almost always find someone in a crowd to take a silly smooch shot with...even a perfect stranger! I think this perfect stranger said her name was Trixie...I can't quite remember...anyway, if not, it should be Trixie because that would be a perfect name for such a fun gal!

Wes directed us to form a crowd of fans outside the theatre, where we were to bombard Waxie and his bodyguards with snapping cameras and obnoxious screaming! I was tickled pink when my galpal Natasha Lady Krishna showed up...just in time to take part in the filming fun and meet Waxie...which tickled her pink! (What does that mean, anyway? Is it possible to be tickled any color other than pink?)

It was a pleasant, warm summer evening, so we hung around outside a bit, looking glamorous...me in my silver gown, shoes and gloves, and Lady Krishna in her outrageous hat, couture jacket and combat boots!
While wandering about the neighborhood, we were lucky enough to run into several of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence hanging around outside the Lobby Bar where they were doing their annual fundraiser/giveaway...they're always exciting to see...larger than life! We chatted with them a few minutes, but I'm just so mad at myself...I guess I was so dazzled by their fabulosity that I totally spaced on taking any pics. Anyway, here's a good one someone else took once...

All in all, a very fun and colorful night with some of the fun and colorful people in fun and colorful Seattle!
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