How the hell was your Halloween, hon? Frighteningly fun? Full of goodies galore? Gosh, I hope so!
Your pal Gams went to what's become her favorite Halloween gathering at the home of
Jack and Deirdre Timmons of
Golden Echo Films... Deirdre is the cute chick in the chick suit pictured here. That old broad with the ciggy holder is me...and if that pic's not unflattering enough, let me share these two photos of me and my old pal
Lucy Ricardo (who hasn't aged a bit!) enjoying a smoked sausage together...now there's some good old fashioned fun!
I couldn't decide if I wanted to be glamorous or scary...so I chose both. Picture, if you will, a fading
Mae West combined with a pissed-off
Bette Davis as Margo Channing, with possibly a touch of kooky, Sunset Blvd-ish
Gloria Swanson...that's what I decided to costume myself as...after much emoting and overly-dramatic wringing of hands, that is. I guess I didn't think it much of a costume, since I wear a lot of those second-hand-Rose-gladrags anyway...but there ya have it. At least I got to wear it all at once!
am proud, however, of the costume I created for
Johnny, my personal escort-slash-constant companion-slash-fluffer.
Johnny dreamed of being the dreaded and feared
Spanish Inquisitor,
Torquemada, so I set about making him a scarlet red robe, cape, alb, hat and fancy-shmancy cross.
I knew it would take miles of fabric for this project and end up being
wa-a-a-y too expensive in the longrun...so I searched other sources. Lo and Behold!
Fred Meyer had an inexpensive set of red satin sheets on sale, so I snapped up a set and used the top sheet (conveniently hemmed!) for the robe. A matching round red tablecloth became the capelet...a small cut of stretchy holiday fabric, trimmed with some gold lace and braid, made a flashy alb. I covered a hat form with red silk and glued on a cross applique, then found a plastic cross Xmas ornament and jazzed it up with some glitter and rhinestone trim. Here's the finished product...we ended up dying his goatee and moustache for extra realism...whaddaya think?
I must confess (cuz he's the
Inquisitor)...I think he's pretty darn intimidating! Look! Even the pumpkin's scared!