Ahh...wouldn't it be wonderfully glamorous to someday be dressed head-to-toe by that Sultan of Sequins, that Rajah of Rhinestones, Bob Mackie?? I've been a fan of Bob's since my disco days...some may consider his creations more trashy than splashy, but you have to admit he knows a thing or two about over-the-top guh-lamour!! So...yes...I think it would be divine to be wrapped in a Mackie...but until then, I will happily settle for this unbelievably gorgeous "Papillon" scarf of his design, snatched from good ol' Good Willie's, 'natch. (Let's not tell Bob, but it was blue-tagged down from $1.99 to a mere 99 cents! Sshhhh!) Willya getaloada those kuh-razy eye-popping colors?? This baby is a whopping 36" square...big enough to constitute a piece of clothing...so...hey! I guess I really can have my bod wrapped in a Mackie...a butterfly cocoon, no less! How utterly thrift-o-gasmic!

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